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The Happiness, Motivation and Empowerment Online Learning Club (this)

All of us have had the experience of taking a course in school or reading a book and a few weeks after we finished the course or the book forgetting much of what we learned. I know that I have had this experience many times. If we really want to learn anything and turn what we learn into habits in our life we need a daily learning process - something we can use consistently even a little each day. In this program we will teach you a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment process you can use a little each day that will change your life.It's fun and individualized to your own unique and invaluable life.You can use it even a little each day, whenever you have even a few minutes to work on your life.It will fit into any busy schedule. The difference between people who are daily happiness,motivation and empowerment learners a little each day and those who aren’t will be significant over time.It is the difference that will make the difference in your life, whoever you are,whatever your goals and dreams are in life. .We guarantee it.Plus this process is a lot of fun.

The Teen Happiness, Motivation and Empowerment Learning Club

Sadly, today we live in an age where the happiness level in our society has been declining significantly for decades in every area of society throughout America.and is continuing to decline. This decline includes A significant decline in overall happiness in every area of our society A 50% decline in the number of people who consider themselves to be “very happy”: in the last ten years A significant and increasing depression and/or anxiety rate which is increasingly affecting young people A 50% divorce rate and many who remain in relationships who are not deeply happy A significant decline in the quality of our social connections A significant decline ih job satisfaction where the majority of people in America do not enjoy their jobs A decrease in the quality of family life Increased problems among our children Increased financial pressures and more We believe that more than ever we all really need to be daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learners a little each day to change this situation starting with ourselves. It is the difference that will make the difference in your life whoever you are. We guarantee it. Plus our program is really fun and will fit into any busy schedule.

The College Happiness, Motivation and Empowerment Online Learning Club

From the time that we have been very young children we have been exposed to all kinds of beliefs and images about happiness - about what it is and how to increase and sustain it from all kinds of sources. Happiness myths are beliefs about how to increase and sustain happiness that we have been taught that significant research has found do not work. But because we believe that they do increase and sustain happiness we can spend a lot of time chasing after them and spending less time on thre things that really do increase human happiness and well being and wondering why even when we achieve these things we actually aren’t as happy as we thought we would be. Also If we don’t achieve or experience these happiness myths we can spend time comparing ourselves negatively to others and believe we can’t be deeply happy when in reality we definitely can. Most of us have already figured out some of these happiness myths we have been taught but research in Positive psychology has come up with some happiness myths that I think will really surprise you. In this program first we will look at some of the happiness myths that Positive Psychology has found exist in our society and then treat the things that Positive Psychology has found actually do significantly increase and sustain human happiness and thriving. The great thing is that these are things anyone can learn. Of course we already are doing some of these things. They are the principles, beliefs, strategies and actions in our lives that have enabled us to achieve the happiness, motivation and effectiveness that we already have in life. However very often we may not be using these things nearly as consciously, consistently or effectively as we could. So there is a real need to clarify and reinforce these essential principles, beliefs and strategies for taking action and come up with ways to use them more effectively and consistently. It is about identifying and becoming better at what we already know works for us as well as learning new empowering beliefs, attitudes and strategies that will change our lives.

The Winning Life.   
Our program for people in youth and adult correctional facilities

All of us have had the experience of taking a course in school or reading a book and a few weeks after we finished the course or the book forgetting much of what we learned. I know that I have had this experience many times. If we really want to learn anything and turn what we learn into habits in our life we need a daily learning process - something we can use consistently even a little each day. In this program we will teach you a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment process you can use a little each day that will change your life.It's fun and individualized to your own unique and invaluable life.You can use it even a little each day, whenever you have even a few minutes to work on your life.It will fit into any busy schedule. The difference between people who are daily happiness,motivation and empowerment learners a little each day and those who aren’t will be significant over time.It is the difference that will make the difference in your life, whoever you are,whatever your goals and dreams are in life. .We guarantee it.Plus this process is a lot of fun.


The Sun-Smart Collection

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Comfort X Design

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Transport In Style

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Transport In Style

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Transport In Style

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The Sun-Smart Collection

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Comfort X Design

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Transport In Style

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Transport In Style

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Transport In Style

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